4 mistakes to avoid for the children’s playroom

The space should be for the children… not for the mess!

The room your little monsters dream of is a games room, just for them, where they can play, shout, laugh, go crazy endlessly without you bothering them. Perfect! You should know, however, that there are some mistakes to avoid in order to ensure that your playroom does not turn into a shambles or that it perfectly suits his role if you are about to offer them a room dedicated to laughter and fun. Listed below are our tips and tricks for arranging and decorating this particular space.

In summary:

  • There is no playroom in the bedroom

  • There are some coatings that are not suitable for this room

  • Games rooms are not mess rooms

  • There should not be too much seriousness in the decoration of the playroom

Bedrooms do not have playrooms

A playroom should be a real room, not just a corner with toys set up. Also, the room we need for calm is excluded, and the toys are located elsewhere

It is important to note that the playroom does not require considerable dimensions: you can put it in a small office or small bedroom. The playroom can even fit perfectly in an unused space in the house. There are several options available, including mezzanines, attics that are hard to access for adults, or even attics that can be converted into a separate room.

This room is not suitable for all coatings

When choosing the floor and wall coverings for the games room, it will be necessary to consider the fact that it is intended for children. On the floor, fragile or dirty covers should be avoided. Instead of choosing a beautiful parquet floor, choose a vinyl flooring that mimics it in order to be easily cleaned. The carpet can certainly be pleasant to the touch… but it is prone to staining at any moment. You can warm up a tiled floor with carpets that are very soft, so they will wash more easily. Perhaps you should choose tiled floors, which are easy to clean and easy to clean. In terms of the walls, we think “washable” with paint or wallpaper that is easily washable because you cannot be immune to pencil strokes. Furthermore, you can simply choose blackboard paint to prevent this from happening. In the second step, we will paint the upper part of another color so that it looks like a base.

There is no mess in the games room

Playrooms are piled up with toys so high that it is difficult to get inside! Instead, the storage space is optimized to make the most of this space. Place toy boxes, low shelves and crates for your children to store their stuff. If you want certain toys to be accessible only if you authorize them, do not hesitate to place higher storage…

It is important not to overdo the decoration in the playroom

In terms of decor, don’t forget that the games room is a space dedicated to children! We leave out the very trendy neutral colors in the rest of the house and focus on tonic and playful shades instead. Do not hesitate to involve your child in this choice. You can use patterned wallpaper or choose funny stickers to energize the walls. You might be able to please your child’s imagination by decorating his playroom!

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