Using spray paint to create concrete effects

In the same way that Greek mythology explains that Medusa turned those who looked at her into stone, Itziar from ItziDreams has created the concrete effect with spray paint so that you petrify whatever comes your way. The only thing you need is one object and three colors of Pintyplus Chalk Paint Spray. Here’s how to do it:

The materials are:

  • The Pintyplus chalk paint sprays are available in off-white, lead black, and ash grey colors.

  • This is an object.

To prevent paint from adhering, the entire surface must be cleaned before painting to remove any possible impurities or dirt from the object. For example, burning alcohol or ammonia can be used.

If we are painting on a metal surface that can rust, we would apply a primer coat to prevent corrosion, which is why we have the Iron Primer Pintyplus Tech on hand. We recommend applying a coat of our Spray Primer for Plastics from the same Pintyplus Tech range if we intend to paint a plastic surface that will be used on a daily basis. It is not necessary to use primer on a piece for purely decorative use.

Ash gray will be applied as a base. With the off-white, we will attempt to press the spray as hard as we can, as if we wanted to leave the spray bad. Yes, I said it right, you need to press just enough to cause the paint to drip and drip out in fits and starts. Do the test beforehand to find the right point. Next we apply black lead chalk paint spray. Likewise, the proportions of different colors can vary in the same way that the grayish tones of cement vary.

Here is the video that Itziar prepared for us so that you can master the technique perfectly as a good #pintypluser.

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